Can You Change the Way You Age?

One Year After AgeSTRONG’s New Model Of Senior Care Launches, Baby Boomers Are Reporting Big Results

Call it the baby boomers’ latest revolution.

Can they make 70 the new 60? 80 the new 70?

If you were born between 1946 and 1964, you’re a member of the iconic generation that innovated the fitness craze; the farm-to-table food movement; even the way the world communicates (are you reading this off your PC, iPhone or iPad?).

Now, boomers are revolutionizing the way we age.

A fascinating study, Baby Boomers’ Expectations of Health and Medicine, found that “baby boomers are different from the generations that preceded them…more savvy, assertive, health conscious and engaged in their care…among the most avid consumers of health information…value and pursue social engagement and healthy lifestyle behaviors and have high expectations for wellness and independence in late life.”

Does any of that describe you?

See if you agree with what so many of the 70 million baby boomer seniors in the US are demanding from their healthcare:

  • I want to continue doing what I’ve always loved — my sports, hobbies, healthy eating, traveling, socializing, volunteering.
  • I want a fresh approach to health and wellness programs using the latest science and data.
  • I want those services to be easily accessible, when I want them and where I want them — whether it’s in my private home or in my senior living community.
  • I want to know and trust the people who provide these services.

“For too long our society has assumed we have to give up our lifestyle when we move into a senior community,” says Emily Steedman, Consonus Healthcare Area Director of AgeSTRONG, which is celebrating its one year anniversary of keeping seniors healthy.

“We’re using the latest science and our 30 years of experience, to package all the vitality services individuals need to age-in-place and remain active and engaged.”

Here’s How It Works

The creator of AgeSTRONG is Consonus Healthcare, an award winning, fifth generation provider of geriatric pharmacy, rehabilitation therapy and consulting services. Consonus contracts with participating facilities to build a state-of-the-art AgeSTRONG clinic on campus, just steps from where seniors live.

AgeSTRONG’s clinical teams become trusted members of that senior community and create customized, integrated health and wellness plans for each resident.

Premium, Concierge Health and Wellness Services — Right Where You Live

“This is where AgeSTRONG really comes into play,” says Emily. “Right on your senior community campus, you have a Medicare licensed therapy clinic, staffed with compassionate experts in the aging process. The door is always open. You can pop in for therapy tune-ups, personal fitness training or just to say hi. Together, we build trust. People feel comfortable coming to us with questions they may not even ask their doctor. We’re able to identify potential risks to your health, long before they become bigger problems that interfere with your lifestyle.”

Services include:

  • Health fairs and educational seminars on the latest brain and body science.
  • Ongoing vitality checklist screenings and fitness evaluations to capture and analyze data that identifies problems before they affect you mentally or physically.
  • Group and individual fitness evaluations and training to improve strength, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance.
  • Functional lifestyle activities focused on what matters most to you!
  • Occupational, physical and speech therapy.
  • Cognitive training to sharpen memory.
  • Access to Consonus Healthcare’s geriatric specialized pharmacy for ongoing medication consulting, review and management.
  • AgeSTRONG clinical teams also travel to your private home or to a skilled nursing facility for short term stay therapies.

Bridging Two Huge Gaps in Senior Healthcare

A particularly risky time for injury is right after discharge from skilled nursing and before prescribed therapies begin. You may be home alone, feeling overwhelmed, unstable and unsure how to take newly prescribed medications. AgeSTRONG’s two new services help you stay safe and confident.

  • AgeSTRONG Pharmacy Consultations by Consonus Pharmacy geriatric specialty consultants are part of your team. They review all your medications for potential interactions that could hamper your mobility, balance and mental clarity. They also work with your therapists to determine the optimum time for your sessions when you’re most alert and stable.
  • AgeSTRONG to Home’s mobile team can bring their rehabilitation therapies directly to you in your private home. They can also identify and remove any risks of falls and other injuries.

The Data Proves AgeSTRONG is Working

AgeSTRONG is based on a model of care that a Stanford Health Care study found can result in lower mortality rates; faster time to achieving goals and regaining mobility; and greater patient experience.

Since launching a year ago, AgeSTRONG has expanded to five states (Oregon, Washington, Arizona, and Texas) and has doubled its clients in participating senior facilities.

More than 90 percent of those clients said they would recommend AgeSTRONG to family and friends.

And AgeSTRONG and its business efficiency partner, Alinea Engagement, recently won the Impact Award from the National Association of Rehabilitation Agencies for demonstrating excellence in the creation of an innovative program and making a positive impact in the rehabilitation industry.

A Few AgeSTRONG Stories

Back to the putting green

“I wanted to reduce pain in my hip and improve balance so I could get back to enjoying golf,” says Frank (Art) Christopher from Saratoga, California. “Now, (after AgeSTRONG) I’m playing again.”

Walking to my speech therapist

“Having my speech therapy here in my residence was a tremendous plus. Patrick, my therapist, considered the multiple possible causes of my vocal cord problem and explained them clearly. I feel I have a caring friend and resource now,” says Kathy Diamond in Tempe, Arizona.

Strumming the Ukulele again

“After completing my occupational therapy through AgeSTRONG, I was able to regain mobility in my fingers and start playing the ukulele again!” says William Gordon, in Fort Worth, Texas.

Mobility without pain

“Love, love, love pool therapy with Rhianna, my AgeSTRONG therapist” says Brenda Sandler of Tempe, Arizona. “The AgeSTRONG therapies have helped my knees and back so much I can walk again ––without pain!”

Home visits for therapy and removing risks

Nicky, who lives in her private home, says she’s no longer nervous about falling after her AgeSTRONG team came to her house and made it safer and more accessible. She says they worked with her on growing stronger and helped her practice safe movements around her home so she can age in place.

And who doesn’t love a great cat story!

Lindsay, from Portland, Oregon, credits her AgeSTRONG therapist, Nicole, with giving her a renewed sense of energy, lifting her spirits and making “life more interesting.” “I’m even able to safely reach down, pick up and hug my cat!” says Lindsay.

Click here to learn more on how AgeSTRONG is helping seniors – and eventually all of us — age stronger.

About Consonus Healthcare

Part of the fifth generation, Marquis Companies, Consonus Healthcare has operated for 30 years, providing premier, pharmacy, rehabilitation therapy and consulting services for seniors. Those services include AgeSTRONG, a new blend of clinical, concierge and wellness programs proven to promote a vital life while aging in place. Based in Portland, Oregon, Consonus serves more than 600 facilities nationwide. For more information, visit