What Does the Future Hold for LTC Post-vaccine?

Webinar Education Opportunity

What: “What does the future hold for LTC post-vaccine?”

Who: Presented by Phil Fogg, CEO of Consonus Healthcare and Marquis Companies. Hosted by McKnight’s Long Term Care News.

When: Thursday, February 25th at 10:00am PST

Where: Online webinar education training. Register here.*

Why: Plan ahead for possible changes in the senior care environment after vaccination clinics. Earn 1.0 CE credit for attending.

Session Description:

For all of us, and especially for our senior care residents and staff, living through the COVID-19 pandemic has been extraordinarily challenging. But now with the arrival of highly safe and effective vaccines, we’re experiencing something we haven’t felt enough for a very long time—hope.

The vaccines represent the most important step toward putting us back on the road to recovery and will have a cascading impact as we move forward. Though the precise timeline for a complete vaccine rollout and return to normalcy in our senior care facilities is still unknown and varied across the nation, we’re looking ahead to some of the most important and exciting milestones.

When you look back on the changes forced upon our industry, it’s overwhelming. It started with restricting in-person visits and group dining and activities, adding PPE requirements, rigorous testing and strict quarantining, to name a few. These critical protocols were put in place to prevent outbreaks but consequently led to heavy emotional burden, isolation, strained communication and connection. It’s no wonder the vaccine makes us feel hopeful but it’s hard to imagine how some of these strict protocols might start to lessen.

Soon enough, providers are going to start being asked when families can visit loved ones if they’ve been vaccinated, when group dining, activities and therapy can resume for quality of life, and when staff can stop wearing oppressive PPE and avoid painful testing. We’ll be uncovering some of these anticipated questions and discussing when and how some normalcy may return.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify post round 3 vaccination solutions, including vaccine ordering & fulfillment and reporting requirements.
  2. Discover anticipated questions residents, families, and staff will have about a post-vaccine world.
  3. Discuss strategies to reduce or eliminate resident isolation
  4. Project possible timelines for the return to group dining, activities and therapy, in-person visits, and decreased testing, quarantining, PPE and more.
  5. Outline COVID-19 guidance and regulatory requirements and mandates that will influence the road to recovery.
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