RoP & Infection Control: Tools to Maintain Compliance

RoP, Infection Control, COVID-19, all buzzwords of 2020. We no longer look at our environment in the same way. As we have lived through Focused Infection Control Surveys, Federal, State and County policy changes, we have continued to strengthen our infection control practices.  What we once excelled at has led to more stringent eyes on everything in our environment.

The Final Rule for Medicare and Medicaid Program requirements, better known as the Rules of Participation (ROP) has been issued and providers are actively working their way through managing the three phases. It’s important to review where facilities are today, how they are performing under the new regulations during survey, ever-changing COVID-19 requirements, and what needs to be in a provider’s tool kit to have successful compliance outcomes.

Patti Garibaldi, Director of Clinical Consulting for Consonus Healthcare has been sharing her education session on this topic across the nation. By viewing her presentation, providers will be able to:

  • Analyze outcomes of RoP in survey results.
  • Implement best practices to stay within regulation.
  • Identify how accurate MDS conducting impacts compliance outcomes, including understanding changes in condition which may be related to COVID-19.
  • Apply successful management of the Drug Regimen Reviews and Gradual Dose Reduction of psychotropic medications, behavior management and depression that may be related to long periods of isolation during the pandemic.
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