Foundation Sends Volunteers to Nicaragua to Help Teach Health Care Methods

In recent years, population growth in developing nations has caused a lack of access to basic health care services for many people. This not only results in the general public’s poor health, but workers in the field are confronted with demanding jobs and low pay.

Combating the problem isn’t simple, but awareness is often the first step. This led a group of volunteers with the Oregon-based Vital Life Foundation to set off on a trip to Nicaragua for a weeklong partnership with the Jessie F. Richardson Foundation on Jan. 18.

“The Vital Life Foundation supports causes that are important to our staff and client populations. One of those causes is the Jesse F. Richardson Foundation that brings sustainable programming to areas where senior citizens have no resources,” said Charles Bloom, chief strategic officer of the foundation. “I know the frustrations of fighting for adequate reimbursement, complying with regulations that sometime seem to have lost the meaning of their original intent and trying to meet incredible challenges faced by hundreds of clients and their families. Nicaragua puts everything into perspective.”

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